Science Links
Click on the pictures to take you to some interesting science websites - or scroll down for Dr Isaure's Science Experiment of the Week!
Keep up to date on what's happening on Mars, direct from Perserverence Rover!
Find out about all our most
interesting scientists
by clicking on Einstein's picture
There's so much to discover
about the world and beyond
on the Kids Discover website ~
Click on the hand to go there now!
Fun science and technology games!
Click on the logo to find out more.
Click on the logo and it will take you to
NASA Kids' Club ~
a place to play games and learn about NASA!
How does the world work?
Click the Brain Pop logo and go find out!
Discover answers to your questions
about the world by clicking on the
National Geographic logo
Explore the natural world with
free apps from The Natural Science Museum
Find out all you want to know about how the
human body works with this interactive
and informative website.
The STEM site is geared up with lots of new
resources for home learning - try them and see!
There's so much to see and do at the Science
Museum - why not pay them a visit by clicking on
the link!
Discovery Mindblown? Well, that says it all - enjoy
and be amazed at what you can find out!
You can find out how just about anything works
on this site, from animals to spaceships - click and