Maths Curriculum
Article 28: Every child has the right to an education
Article 29: Education must develop every child’s personality, talents and abilities to the full
Early mathematics begins by capitalising on what our children can already do. We represent mathematical concepts in different ways to develop conceptual and procedural variations. Manipulatives and representations are used purposefully and appropriately to have impact in all key stages: acting as a ‘scaffold’ that can be removed once independence is achieved. This process ensures concrete, pictorial and abstract models are used effectively to prioritise depth over acceleration at all times. To reduce maths anxiety, mistakes are celebrated as opportunities for learning resulting in greater overall enjoyment in maths.
We work closely with First 4 Maths, who help guide mathematics at The Acorns through planning support and termly moderation meetings with all teachers.
We draw from a range of resources to ensure that each learning step fits each pupil's particular needs, this includes the use of Nrich resources and 'Digging Deeper' documents, provided by First 4 Maths.
Key Specification
Intent (end points)
Calculation Policy
Times Tables @ The Acorns